The Power of Compound Interest: A Financial Game-Changer Selamat membaca semoga bermanfaat. Pada Detik Ini mari kita eksplorasi lebih dalam tentang Finance. Ringkasan Informasi Seputar Finance The Power of Compound Interest A Financial GameChanger Ayok lanjutkan membaca untuk informasi menyeluruh.
- 1.1. The Power of Compound Interest: A Financial Game-Changer
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The Power of Compound Interest: A Financial Game-Changer
Compound interest is a financial concept that can have a profound impact on your long-term wealth. It's the interest you earn on your initial investment, plus the interest you earn on the interest that has already been earned. Over time, this can lead to exponential growth in your savings.
To illustrate the power of compound interest, consider the following example. Let's say you invest $1,000 at an annual interest rate of 5%. After one year, you will have earned $50 in interest. In the second year, you will earn interest on your original $1,000 investment, plus the $50 you earned in the first year. This means you will earn $52.50 in interest in the second year.
This process continues each year, with your earnings growing exponentially. After 10 years, you will have earned a total of $1,628.89 in interest. After 20 years, you will have earned $3,386.35 in interest. And after 30 years, you will have earned $6,727.50 in interest.
As you can see, the power of compound interest can help you grow your wealth significantly over time. If you are serious about building your financial future, it's important to understand how compound interest works and how you can use it to your advantage.
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