Darth Vader's Secret Struggle: James Earl Jones and His Decades-Long Battle with Diabetes
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As we age, the prevalence of diabetes and other age-related ailments such as obesity and abnormal cholesterol levels increases significantly, according to Dr. Noa Tal, an endocrinologist at the Pituitary Disorders Center at Pacific Neuroscience Institute in Santa Monica, California.
Hollywood icon James Earl Jones, renowned for his unforgettable roles in The Lion King and Star Wars, successfully managed type 2 diabetes for over two decades before passing away at the age of 93. Depending on a patient's ethnicity or any [other health conditions] they may have, screening can be either yearly or every three years, Tal explains.
Others may require oral or injectable medications such as metformin, Ozempic, or insulin, she adds. These medications function by eliminating excess glucose through the urine.
In addition to the treatment burden and the need for self-care, there is also an increased risk of complications due to diabetes, particularly when it is uncontrolled. Jones, who developed type 2 diabetes later in life, overcame a severe stutter in childhood to become an award-winning actor known for his deep, commanding voice.
Regular screening, such as during routine doctor's appointments, can detect diabetes early. Tal recommends that everyone ask their primary care physician to screen them for diabetes at age 40 or age 35 if they have other health conditions such as high blood pressure.
These complications may include heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, nerve damage, and foot ulcers. Jones revealed in an interview that his condition was discovered by accident. A laboratory test revealed that Jones had type 2 diabetes.
Unfortunately, [type 2 diabetes] does go under the radar sometimes, says Tal. In 2021, 38.1 million American adults had diabetes, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. More than one-fifth of these people had undiagnosed diabetes.
I've found that [Invokana] was very helpful in balancing my blood sugar, he told Diabetes Mine. When diabetes is not well controlled, it can impact the entire patient, says Tal.
Not that they suffer the same things that I do, but they understand, and we have to work as a family in living with diabetes.
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