Cerebral Symphony: The Unforeseen Overture of an Aneurysm
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Unlike Wegener's case, most aneurysms remain asymptomatic until discovered incidentally during medical examinations for unrelated conditions, explains Dr. Dimitri Laurent, an endovascular neurosurgeon at Norton Neuroscience Institute. This can lead to double vision, restricted eye movements, gait instability, difficulty with speech or swallowing, Laurent told Healthline.
Similar to Wegener, many individuals report experiencing a pop at the onset of a headache due to subarachnoid hemorrhage, says Dr. Patrick Youssef, a neurosurgeon at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. After learning about her aneurysm, Wegener was discharged from the hospital and advised to follow up with a cardiologist, stroke clinic, and endovascular surgeon, who had a 5-week waiting time.
This can then be followed by nausea, vomiting, double vision, or loss of consciousness, he told Healthline. A week after seeing the endovascular surgeon, Wegener underwent surgery in February 2024 with a Medtronic Pipeline device, a neurovascular stent designed to divert blood flow away from the aneurysm through a minimally invasive procedure.
[When] I looked up, I had double vision and remember thinking, Wow, that's really weird, she told Healthline. However, he noted that subarachnoid hemorrhage (a bleed into the space around the brain) may be the first presentation of a brain aneurysm.
With some help from her brother, she advocated to get into the endovascular surgeon sooner. The device was paired with endovascular coils, which are also designed to prevent blood flow into the aneurysm. The advantage to open surgical procedures is if there is a space occupying hemorrhage, this can be evacuated at the same time to relieve pressure from the brain, said Youssef.
He noted that endovascular treatment options are less invasive and can be performed with a needle puncture in the femoral or radial artery. In addition to flow diversion and flow disruption treatment options like Wegener underwent, he said there are a variety of methods to treat aneurysms, including open surgical procedures such as clipping or bypass and sacrifice of the diseased blood vessel.
These procedures include coiling of the aneurysm by placing platinum coils inside the aneurysm to fill it. This would involve a craniotomy and surgical procedure. This can be balloon or stent-assisted
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